IEEE Workshop on
Uncertainty Visualization: Applications, Techniques, Software, and Decision Frameworks
in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2024,
Florida, USA

The paper submission portal is now open! For submission, go to the PCS submission portal. Create an account or login to your existing account. Then, go to the Submissions tab and select Society ‘VGTC’, Conference ‘VIS 2024’ and Track ‘VIS 2024 Uncertainty Visualization’ from the drop-down options.
We welcome contributions as short papers and regular papers in the IEEE VGTC format (up to 4 pages of content and 1 page of references for short papers, and up to 9 pages of content and 2 pages of references for full papers). All submissions should be anonymized. Paper submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international program committee, including experts in uncertainty visualization, topological methods for scientific data, information visualization, visual analytics, and machine learning. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Poster contributions should adhere to the IEEE VIS Guidelines. While VIS has no specific formatting requirements, posters can be no larger than size A0 (841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 inches) and must be in a portrait orientation. The accepted posters will be presented at the main poster event at VIS.