IEEE Workshop onUncertainty Visualization: Applications, Techniques, Software, and Decision Frameworks in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2024,Florida, USA
List of accepted papers
The top six papers selected for full or short presentation
Long papers
1. Exploring Uncertainty Visualization for Degenerate Tensors in 3D Symmetric Second-Order Tensor Field Ensembles [Best Long Paper]
Tadea Schmitz and Tim Gerrits
2. Voicing Uncertainty: How Speech, Text, and Visualizations Influence Decisions with Data Uncertainty
Chase Stokes, Chelsea Sanker, Bridget Cogley, and Vidya Setlur
3. Effects of Forecast Number, Order, and Cost in Multiple Forecast Visualizations
Laura Matzen, Dr. Mallory C Stites, Kristin M Divis, Alexander Bendeck, John Stasko, and Lace M. Padilla
Short papers
1. Uncertainty Visualization Challenges in Decision Systems with Ensemble Data & Surrogate Models [Best Short Paper]
Sam Molnar, J.D. Laurence-Chasen, Yuhan Duan, Julie Bessac, and Kristi Potter
2. Accelerated Depth Computation for Surface Boxplots with Deep Learning
Mengjiao Han, Tushar M. Athawale, Jixian Li, and Chris R. Johnson
3. FunM^2C: A Filter for Uncertainty Visualization of Multivariate Data on Multi-Core Devices
Gautam Hari, Nrushad A Joshi, Zhe Wang, Qian Gong, David Pugmire, Kenneth Moreland, Chris R. Johnson, Scott Klasky, Norbert Podhorszki, and Tushar M. Athawale
The papers selected for lightning talks
Long papers
1. Estimation and Visualization of Isosurface Uncertainty from Linear and High-Order Interpolation Methods
Timbwaoga A. J. Ouermi, Jixian Li, Tushar M. Athawale, and Chris R. Johnson
2. Uncertainty-Informed Volume Visualization using Implicit Neural Representation
Shanu Saklani, Chitwan Goel, Shrey Bansal, Zhe Wang, Soumya Dutta, Tushar M. Athawale, David Pugmire, and Chris R. Johnson
Short papers
1. Glyph-Based Uncertainty Visualization and Analysis of Time-Varying Vector Field
Timbwaoga A. J. Ouermi, Jixian Li, Zachary Morrow, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, and Chris R. Johnson
2. An Entropy-Based Test and Development Framework for Uncertainty Modeling in Level-Set Visualizations
Robert Sisneros, Tushar M. Athawale, Kenneth Moreland, and David Pugmire
3. Visualizing Uncertainties in Ensemble Wildfire Forecast Simulations
Jixian Li, Timbwaoga A. J. Ouermi , and Chris R. Johnson
1. UADAPy: An Uncertainty-Aware Visualization and Analysis Toolbox
Patrick Paetzold, David Hägele, Marina Evers, Daniel Weiskopf, and Oliver Deussen