IEEE Workshop on
Uncertainty Visualization: Applications, Techniques, Software, and Decision Frameworks
in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2024,
Florida, USA

Each full paper presentation will be 7 mins including Q&A. Each short paper presentation will be for 6 mins including Q&A.
Each talk will be 90 seconds.
Panelists: Dr. Han-Wei Shen, Dr. Matthew Kay, Dr. Lace Padilla, Dr. Gerik Scheuermann
Dr. Han-Wei Shen is a Full Professor at The Ohio State University, and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. He is a member of IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy, and was the chair of the steering committee for IEEE SciVis conference from 2018-2020. His primary research interests are scientific visualization and computer graphics. Professor Shen is a winner of National Science Foundation's CAREER award and US Department of Energy's Early Career Principal Investigator Award. He has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, a paper chair for IEEE Visualization, IEEE Pacific Visualization, and IEEE Parallel Visualization and Graphics. He is currently on the IEEE Visualization conference executive committee, and IEEE SciVis steering committee. He has published more than 50 papers in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and IEEE Visualization conference, the very top journal and conference. He received his BS degree from Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University in 1988,
the MS degree in computer science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1992, and the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Utah in 1998. From 1996 to 1999, he was a research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View California.
Dr. Matthew Kay is an Associate Professor jointly appointed in Computer Science and Communications Studies at Northwestern University. He works in human-computer interaction and information visualization, with a particular focus on uncertainty visualization, visualization literacy, and the design of human-centered tools for data analysis. His research has been funded by multiple NSF awards, and he has received multiple best paper awards across human-computer interaction and information visualization venues, including ACM CHI, IEEE VIS, and UbiComp. He also received the 2023 IEEE VGTC Significant New Researcher Award. He co-directs the Midwest Uncertainty Collective ( and is the author of the tidybayes ( and ggdist (
R packages for visualizing Bayesian statistical model output and uncertainty.
Dr. Lace Padilla joined Northeastern University in 2023 as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Psychology where she is a member of Data Visualization Lab @Khoury. Her interests lie in the intersection between information visualization, behavioral decision making, and data science. Her research on uncertainty communication explores how to align data visualizations of future events with human decision-making capabilities.
She has received the best paper award at IEEE VIS, honorable mentions, an APA Early Career Award, and a NSF CAREER Award. She is the PI and Co-Pi on several other grants funded by NSF and DOE.
Dr. Gerik Scheuermann is a Full Professor for Computer Science at Leipzig University, Germany, since 2024. He holds a PhD in CS from TU Kaiserslautern. His research interests concern scientific visualization, information visualization, visual analytics and data science with a focus on topological, algebraic and stochastic methods with a special interest in dealing with uncertainty in recent years. Applications concern structural mechanics, geomechanics, fluid dynamics, climate research, earth sciences, bioinformatics, neuroscience, and digital humanities. He served as paper co-chair for all major visualization conferences, and as associated editor for the major journals in the field. He co-organized IEEE VIS 2018 in Berlin, founded the EnvirVis workshop series and was the main organizer of EuroVis 2013 and 2023 in Leipzig.